Surviving The Female Midlife Crisis
by Serena Price
The female midlife crisis can catch you by surprise if you have no knowledge of what it is or what to expect from it. Unlike men women do not rush out and purchase a convertible and start running around with men half her age. She is more apt to become depressed and disappointed about her life in general. She may have spent her life looking after children and managing the house and now that the kids are grown she wonders what happened to her expectations and dreams. In short, she may feel empty.
At this point some become depressed, suffer weight gain and begin to question the meaning of their lives to date. If they were stay at home moms they may desire to find a career that fulfills them. If they have worked through the years they may think about quitting their job and finding other employment that is more challenging.
Many women experience menopause at this stage of their life. They must endure the hormonal changes as well as their emotional turmoil at one time. They begin to realize that they are aging and may begin to work compulsively on their appearance. They can purchase an entirely new wardrobe or join a gym and exercise much more than necessary. They have been known to seek out people who make them feel younger and spend most of their time with them.
During this period there will be changes in behavior as well as mood swings. The woman may become a compulsive shopper or become compulsive about her appearance just as easily. This is a period of doubting one's self worth and abilities. Many women in this situation have breast implants or face lifts done and change their mode of dress to look younger.
A survey of two hundred husbands was done regarding the first signs of their wives changes in behavior and many stated that they had become difficult to get along with. Starting arguments or being sarcastic whenever they spoke. They also mentioned that personal appearance had become very important to their wives. They were losing weight, exercising, and dressing in younger fashions.
The solution for these symptoms is to talk about them. Talk to your family and friends about what you are feeling. See your physician and be tested to see if you need anti-depressants to help you through this time. As with most ailments knowledge is power and once you are aware of the problem you have the tools to deal with it.
Working through this period will not be easy for you to do. There will be times when you want to throw up your hands and run away. There may be other times when everything is fine for awhile. Hopefully they will balance out to a happy medium. Try to find the things that bother you the most in your life and find solutions for those specific issues. This will work even if the problems are behaviors of the people who are closest to you.
When you go through the <A href="">female midlife crisis</A> you will be experiencing internal changes that can work out to be a positive or negative outcome. If your spouse is able to experience these internal changes with you it will be a smooth transition for both partners. You can turn any crisis into a positive experience. You need only to recognize what is happening and try not to over react to it. Over reaction can bring many regrets with it.
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